Friday, October 31, 2008

Hot For The Holidays - Week 8

Hot for the Holidays

All righty boys and girls (but, really, any boys reading this? Hmmm ...), it is Friday and that means I get to tell you about my week ... And, this week, I am ever so happy to do so!!!


This makes for a total of FIVE, y'all!!! FIVE STINKIN' POUNDS!! And if I could possibly figure out how to get that cute little button off of Christie's page, I would put a big 'ol 5 for the world to see!!! But, alas ... I cannot.

Ummm, Christie, a little help;)

So, we are s'posed to post fun "dress up" pics in honor of Halloween. But my girlies are not dressed up yet. So, I will give you a little glimpse of Halloween past (and a little more)...

This is Miss Sophie last Halloween (at not quite 2 mos. old)

And this is Hattie in the same costume (at just over 4 years old!!)

And, here are a couple of sweet princesses.

And tonight? Well here is a hint ...

One will say "meow" (which she has been practicing A LOT!!!), and the other will have a puffy white tail....

6 of ya left some love:

Michelle said...

Great job on the weight loss!!! And those pics are so darn cute!!!

Julie said...

Such cute pictures! I love Halloween! & congrats on the weight loss. I am jealous of that 5lb badge.

Jessi said...

Congratulations on reaching 5 lbs!!!!

PS. If you go to Christie's site, click on the WWBD link on the left side bar, there are a number of different badges. Right click on the badge you want, select "save picture as", save it to a file, and then add the "picture"/badge just like you did with the pics of your girls (which are adorable by the way). ;-) Hope that helps.

Becky said...

have fun, be safe :-D

Becky said...

Forgot to say congrats on the weight loss ::high five:: :-) Yay!

Honey Mommy said...

Hooray on the five pounds!

Happy Halloween!