Monday, August 23, 2010

Dear Time ... STOP ALREADY

Three years ago we were decorating a nursery for a tiny bundle of joy that was on her way. We were picking out names, stocking up on diapers, choosing a tiny homecoming outfit and looking at sonogram pics, listening to a heartbeat and dreaming.

Today that sweet bundle of joy is oh so very close to turning three ... only a couple weeks left. So, the time has come to put the crib away and move on up to a big girl bed.

A few months ago some sweet friends Blessed us with a bedroom set. It's a queen size bed, but we figured it could sub for a guest room if the need arose. Hattie has a big bed too, so we are set if any of you outta towners wanna stop by.

(that was a hint, by the way!!)

So, this weekend we pushed the crib aside and daddy set to work putting that big bed together.

Sophie kept her eye on him (she was very excited) ...

... and then she got an idea ...

... she decided that daddy needed a little help!

At one point I got a little teary and told Sophie that mama was just a little sad that she was getting so big. She just looked me right in the eye, held her hands out wide, did a little dance and proclaimed...

... "Well, Sophie's HAPPY!!!!!"

well, allrighty then.

Once the bed was put together and made up - with the bedding that she chose herself ("colka dots", just like her big sis!!), we loaded it up with all of her old crib buddies, Big Bear, Little Bear, Brown Bear, Purple Pillow Pal and Minnie Mouse.

(Hmmm, maybe THAT is why she was runnin out of room in the crib)

The nightstand held signs of days gone by ... ya know, back when she was a baby.

But the new bed tells a new story ... of a big girl whose toddler days are numbered.

A very proud girl.

A very EXCITED girl!

Once the time came to actually SLEEP in the big bed, she got just a tiny bit nervous.

But, for the most part, she was proud.

And very, very big.

(now, please excuse me while I go have a big ol mama cry in the corner)