Yeah, I know ... I am late. Because I am nothing if not a world class procrastinator.
But, as I always say (and hope people believe me), better late than never! So, I am saying it now ...
Truth be told, 2008 had it's ups and downs for us here in B manor. The ups were plastered here in all their splendor for you all (or, as Frannie would say - y'all) to celebrate with us. And many of the downs were here as well - 'cause #1 - misery loves company and #2 - I sometimes just need some cheering up! Y'all were pretty good at that last year. Thanks!
However, there was one down that I have not shared in it's ugly entirety with all of my bloggy friends. And, honestly, I have been on a yo-yo string in regards to knowing whether or not I should share it. I have been really wrestling with how honest to be, 'cause I do not want this blog to become a bummer. I want this little corner of my world to be a Glorification of the One who sets me Free.
That being said, I have come to a little decision. I am gonna lay it all on the line. Not today however, because I have to put some thought into the way I lay it all out for ya. But, in our prayers regarding this situation, our biggest request is that God is glorified. Not just in the "wow, look what He did for us" end result, but in the "look at what He is doing/seeing us through/helping us to survive/etc... every day along the way" getting there process. I know that He will not let us fall and I want the world to see Him carry us. I want you to see Him set us free!!!
When Paula was diagnosed with the cancer that eventually took her life, she said that if she had to go through it, then she wanted God to "use the tar out of it". I thought that was the bravest thing I had ever heard of. And she became one of my truest heroes in that battle. Now, I KNOW that this is nothing like cancer - Thank You Lord!!! - but I still want God to use us in this situation. Use us to His glory.
So, in the next day or two I will be posting a not so pretty post about what is happening here - no one is sick (Thank You SIR!!!), we have simply fallen victim - as so many others have - to a BAD economic picture. Details to come.
So, seeing as how I have given up on New Year's resolutions (it is January 2nd, so they would be broken by now anyway!!!), I have joined with some of my Siestas and my PBFF Beth Moore in dedicating myself to a little Scripture memorization. If you want to play along you can join us HERE. And, true to form, I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew. Rather than picking a verse or two, I picked a Psalm - an ENTIRE PSALM. Now, it IS only six verses, but still...
I chose these verses because I want to spend my life Praising Him - even if the situation seems bleak. I want to praise Him with my life. Every moment of every day of my life. So ...
And, with that, I will bid you adieu for the day! Please take at least one moment in this day to Praise Him ... the rocks are doing it, won't you join them?!
God Bless!!!!