***Pause music player on the side first!!!***
I was not sure if I was gonna participate this week - didn't know if I had time to find a song.... But then a song found me.
Seriously - you are gonna need to sit down, prepare your heart and get a FULL box of tissues for this one ... I am just warning ya.
The Smith family over at BRING THE RAIN have written a simply beautiful song about the daughter that they held and loved for a few short hours here on earth. Their sweet baby - Audrey - who now lives in Heaven. They made a video of pictures to go with the song, and oh my word ...
Words are not enough. You may want to bookmark the sight so you can go back and read the story - unless you like the "I have been crying my eyes out ALL DAY LONG" type of headaches. It is such a faithful, wonderful, sweet story of Hope in the midst of the rain.
Pure beauty, my friends, pure beauty.
The words are on their site as well.
If you have ever known a loss like this, oh sweet friend, my heart aches for you. And you are in my prayers. Let His love fill you and hold you and give you the Blessed knowledge that He is now holding the one you hold so dear.
Visit Signs, Miracles and Wonders to hear more songs that speak.