Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yeah, My Jeans Are Shrinking! WOOT!!

Sisterhood Spring Fling Challenge

I haven't posted for the Wednesday Weigh In for a while. BUT, with the exception of last week, I have been steadily loosing. Oh, yes I have!!!

I am so excited to tell you that I have lost 24 pounds!

Ahem ... did you hear me ...


Yeah! I am sooooo excited! I hit a MAJOR milestone two weeks ago. Last week I held steady. And this week I lost two more.

Now, truth be told, I broke my "weigh only once a week" rule and weighed myself on Monday. I KNEW that the weekend had taken a ginormous nosedive and I wanted to know how far I had fallen. I was more than a little freaked out to see that I was actually two pounds UP!

Yeah, I knew I had to kick into high gear. I went on a carb fast - which I do NOT recommend for long periods unless you are being overseen by a doctor, but I only had to do it for a couple days. I also only ate very lean proteins and fresh fruits & veggies, upped my water intake and did a little extra workout per day.

I also worked VERY hard to resist every urge to do the emotional eating thing. And, given that there has been left over lemon chiffon pie in the fridge mocking me all week, that was no easy task!!! But, I am learning that I can allow myself other emotional outlets. I can be an emotional dancer (Sophie is always a willing dance partner), an emotional stair climber, an emotional reader or an emotional prayer/praiser - which is the best outlet of all. After all, I do get all my strength from Him anyway, might as well give Him my emotional times too.

I also have to thank some WONDERFUL peeps that He has placed in my life to get me through this ... I know if I mention names I will forget someone, so I won't. But you know who you are! (Especially you, my morning "wake up, get your hiney outta bed and get movin'" girl and you my own personal Stacey/Clinton personal shopper buddy who is always there to help me look my best, no matter what size I am!!) You know I could not do this alone! Believe me, I have tried ... and failed. The only reason this time WILL succeed is all of you!!!!

So, there ya go. I am one tiny pound away from a new button, but for now ...

I'm Down w/the Sisterhood

There ya go!

13 of ya left some love:

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

YOU GO, GIRL! So stinkin' proud of you!

Brooke said...

you're doing great! :) i had a bought with emotional eating this week and it is so hard. good for you finding other outlets for those emotions!

Brooke said...

RYC: Do you have a training plan yet? I'm doing a sprint too, but I don't think "just" belongs before the word sprint. Its a big undertaking - don't sell yourself short by under playing your goals! :) Any way if you want to email Christie O. (she sent it to me) or myself stingysingleton (at) gmail (dot) com for the training plan I'm using.

The Doll said...

Great Job Becky Jo. You are amazing and the scale will keep going in the right direction.

Christy M. said...

YAY Becky Jo!!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!

Amanda said...


Lindsee Lou said...

Girlfriend, you have so got this! Way to go!

Misti said...

Way to go! 24 pounds is fantastic! I love what you said about instead of emotional eating doing "emotional something else". I'm a major boredom eater and really need to turn in it to something else. Did I tell you I rejoined WW & started a blog to document my journey?

Heather D said...

Woo hoo! That's so huge! Keep up the amazing work.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm SO proud of you! You definitely need to give yourself more really is because of YOU and your WILL and your DETERMINATION and your STRENGTH and your DEPENDENCE on the Lord to give you ALL of these things at just the right times. 24 pounds is huge! Truly very proud. What an inspiration you are...i think there is some well-deserved shopping to do my friend!

Anonymous said...

in case you were wondering, deleted comment was mine,....with one too many typos. lesson learned (proof-read before posting comments!)

april said...

That's FANTASTIC! Great job!