Monday, February 2, 2009

The Eyes Have It

This weeks theme for the fun-ness over at I Heart Faces is "The Eyes Have It". And Hubby wants to enter one for each category! Here are our humble entries ...

In the Adult Category: This is Hubby's entry - in his words: "My lovely wife thought it was chilly out as we watched ice bergs float by on our honeymoon cruise in Alaska. I love her blue eyes poking out from under the blanket"

In the Children Category: Hattie loves adventure! Here, she is climbing a rope structure, I love the way her blue eyes say she is loving every minute!

Stop by I Heart Faces for the fun - enter one of your own if ya want!

20 of ya left some love:

really.truly said...

Your photos are really lovely!

Anonymous said...

2 sets of great eyes.

Montserrat said...

LOVE the first photo! It must have really been cold.

On another note I have the same font on my header as you do. Can't beat the Bleeding Cowboy!

Randi said...

Nice photos! The first one really draws your attention to the eyes! :)

Melinda said...

Beautiful photos. I love how the blanket really draws attention to your beautiful blue eyes!

Stephanie said...

Great photos and love your blog!

Kelly Sauer said...

The blue in your adult eyes is amazing...

Becky said...

Both of the pics are great. Lovely blue eyes for both of you.

P.S. Really like your hair in your pic.

Drew said...

I love that hubby takes pictures! He did a beautiful job too. Those blue eyes peeking out from the blanket just pop!

Anonymous said...

Love that photo of you peeping out from the blanket with those killer eyes!

Anonymous said...

love the pictures, especially the first one great eyes

Kelly said...

I think the pic of you, Becky Jo, is a winner. By the way, can I change my vote to the hair in that picture?

ocean mommy said...

These eyes are simply stunning!


Its Me(SARA) Behind the Camera said...

Both eyes are beautiful! Congrats on capturing them! :)

Melissa said...

Love your pics!

Southern MiddleAged Queen Bee said...

Love the blanket photo and how it brings out your eyes.

Unknown said...

Well, hello Becky Jo : ). Love your always. Your blue eyes are stunning.

sara said...

I agee...2 sets of beautiful eyes!

Rebecca Jo said...

wow.. beautiful blues!!!

Susan P. said...

great pics! i especially like the adult photo...good work :)