Friday, November 21, 2008

Hot For The Holidays - Week 10

Hot for the Holidays

OK, the good news is this - I did not gain weight on my vacation. In fact, I actually lost nearly a whole pound!

And the GREAT news is this - I lost 3 pounds this week!!! for a total of 3.7 pounds down!!!!! Oooooh yeah!!!

And, the super fantabulous news is this - as I had been hovering around the 15 pound mark before I went on vacation, this puts me OVER 15 POUNDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is what I am talking about!

Now, we are supposed to tell what our "Ah Ha" moment was and how it inspired us to lose the weight.

My moment was when I had to buy a shirt for family photos in the plus size section ...

... and then had to buy a complete outfit for Sophie's adoption in the plus size store.

And then when I compared the pics of me at Hattie's adoption (in which I had lost 35 pounds)...

... to those at Sophie's adoption (in which I had gained all of them back!). OK, someone tie me to a treadmill and set it on high!!!

My good ah ha moment came when I went to said store to buy an outfit for the wedding and everything was too big!!!! Now, granted, the stuff in the regular sections were still a little snug, so I did end up buying from that store, but SuperModel had to lend me a belt to make the dress work!!!!

Plus, the jeans that I bought before the trip, that were a bit snug, I wore them babies on the airplane home! Yep, they are that comfy now!!!


So, how did you do?!?!

9 of ya left some love:

mom_of2boys said...

Congratulations on the 15 pound reward. You look great! Keep up the great work!

Honey Mommy said...

Good job!

I lost 1.5 pounds this week, but I think I finally broke through my plateau. Hopefully next week will be just as good for both of us!

Fran said...

Inside and out you are just beautiful!!! Keep at it girlfriend! So, so very proud!


Anonymous said...

I am proud of you RS. I know there have been times you have been discouraged, but you are looking great! And what's more important is the inside- cuz that shines through making you even more beautiful (regardless of your size being up a few or down a few pounds). Keep it up! This will spill over into other areas of your life.

Kelly said...

Wow that is soooo great. Good job. It feels great to accomplish a goal.

Becky said...

Yay for you!!! I am so happy that you are keeping with it! My whole life feels like an ahha moment. :-p Wat to go on losing 15pounds!

Christie O. said...

wow!! this is so awesome, i am so happy for you, 15 pounds!!! that's a huge milestone!! you all are inspiring me so much, i'm seeing quite a few 15 gone badges today!!!!

Aron and Erica said...

Yay!!! I am so proud of you! But I must say that you look so beautiful in all of the picts that I don't even notice the difference in weight. But the weight loss does make you physical feel soooo much better. It makes you feel more alive and balanced, and for that I give you a standing ovation, sister!
much love

calista said...

That is awesome!! I need some body standing over me with a whip to make me exercise....