Monday, April 19, 2010

Project 365 - Week 16

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Yes, I am a day late ... I am so sorry. But, I had a FABULOUS weekend and did not want to miss a single moment of it. No, not even one.

So ... here is our week:

April 11 - Toothless - Yep, it came out. My girl pulled it herself!

April 12 - Curls - I love the way these spirals form themselves on her sweet head.

April 13 - Hattie Grace - Melts.My.Heart.

April 14 - Bloom - (I know trees don't bloom, More like bud, but still...) I heart spring!

April 15 - Holes - A beautiful day ... open windows ... oh boy...

I think the girls were hatching an escape plan!

April 16 - Loving Well - I was Blessed to be able to attend the women's retreat with some ladies from church. BLESSED being the operative word.

And, speaking of WORD ... yeah, Beth Moore brought one!

April 17 - SuperModel - Sunshine ... beautiful friend ... camera ... it all adds up.

Very beautifully, I might add!

April 18 - Surprise - We have had this plant in the bathroom for a few years now. This is the first time THIS has ever happened! Who knew there was a flower in there?!

So ... how was YOUR week?

7 of ya left some love:

Susan said...

Your pictures made me smile. I needed that this morning, thank you.

Love you tons!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...


sara said...

what a great week!!

yea, for losing a first tooth!!! that is so fun!

and those sweet!

your pictures are awesome this week!

He & Me + 3 said...

I love the toothless smiles. So cute. Your friend is just beautiful. Great shots.

Anonymous said...

love the first 2 pics! those beauties provide your best subject material! you have such a good eye...a bit embarrassed with your photos of me...but i like what you did with them. thanks for making the "photo shoot" a quick 30 second painless process. it was a great retreat my friend! luv ya.

riTa Koch said...

Love the surprise flower, the friend, the curls, the buds...all happy things!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

GREAT glad I stopped by.

I am up far too late ......actually I can't sleep because I have a tooth ache... so I am blog hopping!
Be sure and stop by and read about a miracle in our family....