Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Look For A New Year

WARNING: The following is a big 'ol mess of random. Enter at your own risk!

I'm gonna do this in list form, mainly cause I am just too tired to think in paragraphs!

* I LOVE my new camera!!! And, even more than the camera, I love that the boys & Mindy went all out for ME this year. Thank you SO much!!

* I FINALLY figured out how to do a 3 column layout for the blog! What do ya think? Maybe a tad too purple - I may change the color of the post background.

* It REALLY is time to just step away from the food! REALLY!

* Come January 1st the tree and the junk food are all headed for the trash!

* We are once again looking for a new place to live ... long story, I'll tell ya later. Let's just say that moisture is not ALWAYS your friend!

* My girls, they love the snow ...

(did ya really think you would make it out of here without pictures?!)

* Tomorrow is the end of the year ... the decade ... WOW.

* I have never been happier to see a year end ... and never more thankful for the Lord that sees us through!


9 of ya left some love:

Meli n Pat said...

Love it! I'm trying myself to figure out the 3 column. hmmmm. maybe on another day.

Jenni said...

i love the purple! :)

what kind of camera did you get? i ordered myself a panasonic dmc-zs3. i LOVE it! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! A new camera! I am certain you are loving it already!!! And, I LOVE the new look and the purple is fantastic. I was just thinking today of when i could get a free few moments to redo my blog look. I may be looking to your talents and expertise with this. And I am with you on the junk food...the plus 7 lbs. since Thanksgiving is not doing me any favors! :) Bring on 2010!

angie128 said...

I dig the new look!

Michelle V said...

Oh how fun! Love the pics! Just precious!!

Michelle V

Kate said...

Oh those girls just ROCK!!!!! I still look like that playing in the snow! haa haa haa
Love you Becky Jo!

Kelly said...

love the three column. want to update my look also. might have to ask you how. i know God has great things for you and family in 2010.

Angela Baylis said...

I LOVE the new look and I also loved your list! Happy New Year, my friend!
Angie xoxo

Gran Jan said...

Hello friend! I LOVE the purple! Please share - how did you get the 3 columns set up? It looks so good! And I love your signature too!

Thanks for visiting me on my blog. Are you going to the Siesta scripture celebration in Houston in 3 weeks???
