Sunday, May 3, 2009

Project 365 - Week 16

Project 365

I only have a few minutes to get this up, so let's get right into this weeks pictures (sorry to be so very unsociable!!) ...

April 27 - Miss Belle wakin up from her nap ... LOVE that sleepy face and am so very thankful to her mommy and daddy for sharing her with us every week!

April 28 - We had worship practice for a special worship night on Sunday ... I haven't been up to sing in over a month - and my voice was showin it!

April 29 - AKA Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred ... and, all I can say is OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30 - I am sorry, but this CANNOT be my baby girl. I can hardly even stand how big she's gettin. here she is in a pair of PJ's that Hattie LITERALLY wore last week. I pulled them out of H's drawer out of desperation and they fit!!!! And I cried a little...

May 1 - Spent the day designing blogs for some lovely people (the one in the pic should look familiar to those of you hoppin over from Sara's blog!). I designed two for my friend Kelli and she chose the one I was hopin she would, cause that means I got the other one ... How do ya like my new look?!?!?!

May 2 - Can my girl rock a McD's kid's meal box or WHAT?!?!?!?! Gotta love a new hat :)

PS: I want ya to know that I had a salad and did not even snitch a single fry! I mean, I am no Shreddin for nothin. And the 4.5 pounds I lost this week are STAYIN off this time!

So, there is our week, stop by and see Sara if you would like to peek in on the weeks of other strangers!!
So, how was YOUR week?

11 of ya left some love:

Angela Baylis said...

I love your pictures, especially with the one of the guitar pick! They are all amazing. I'm also enjoying the song I'm listening to right now... In My Daughter's Eyes! It will be on my blog soon... very soon! Thanks for sharing your life with me! Have a nice Sunday!
Love you,
Angie xoxo

sara said...

first I love your new look "almost" as much as I like mine!!! thanks again!

your week in pics is awesome! Keep your eye on those goes in a blink and all of a sudden you are waiting for them to come home from college!

Lisa said...

You did a great job with both looks. Very talented, you are.

That 30 day shread sounds like severe punishment...hope it pays off for you.

Cathy said...

Great pictures. The kids are so cute!

Kim said...

Yep, they grow up WAY too fast! But I enjoyed every single phase/age/year -- there was always something new :-)

Great photos as always. And beautiful job on your new look and Sara's!

Nise' said...

I am thinking about doing the 30 Day Shred! I hear its a killer.

Anonymous said...

Love the new look- as well as Kelli's and Sara's. Very cool. Great work R.S. :)

Cool new signature too!

Dena said...

You are super talented when it comes to blog designs. They all look great!

Love the McD box on the head. Very cute! LOL

Kelli said...

I love your new look and mine too! This background is perfect with your title picture.

Yeah you about the weight loss!!

The Davidson Den said...

Saw Sara's new design and had to drop by to give props to the one who created it. You do VERY good work--I love it! And yours is awesome, too! I've been thinking of revamping myself. Hmm. We'll see.

Rebekah said...

I LOVE pictures 1 and 3...what treasures you have!!!

(Thank you for all of your love and support! It just bubbles out of you and makes me smile every time!!!)