Friday, October 24, 2008

Hot For The Holidays - Week 7

Hot for the Holidays

***If you are here for the Love Dare challenge, please scroll down to today' post. If you are here for HFH and are interested in joining us for the Love Dare, please go HERE for day 1!***

So, it would seem that this girl is allergic to working out. Seriously. On Tuesday morning I got up early and went down the the dungeon, oops, I meand the basement, and ran a little over a mile. And when I finished I felt so goo that I told the hubs I may have to move up to a mile and a half or even 2 miles! And, the scary part, I was excited to be doing it!!!!

Then I got in the car to go to a meeting at church and was a little put out to realize that the driver's seat was not as comfy as it usually is. By the time I got to church I was in serious pain y'all. And by the time I got home I was crying I was in so much pain. Had to ask the hubby to come home from work, because I could hardly lift Sophie. He did and I went to the doc. And she said that I had damaged the muscles in my back from all of the excersize!!!!! HUH?!?!?!?!

So, I am forbiden from the treadmill or any other form of anything that includes the lower back (which, I can tell ya now, is EVERYTHING!!!) for at least a week. STINK!!!

So, with no workout options I have been very careful regarding my diet - unless you count the big 'ol bowl of cereal I had for dinner yesterday because I was bummed!! And I was scared to step on the scale, but the scale was kind in light of it all...


Can I get a yee haw!!! And yes, I did say yee haw ... not sure where that came from. Hmmm, must be my long dormant southern Missouri roots coming out!

Anyhoo, I will take the two pounds and run - or, ya know, HOBBLE with it! Thank you very much!

ANd if you are looking to lose a little weight before the Christmas parties come into play, head on over to Baby Tea Leaves and join us!!!

8 of ya left some love:

Fran said...

you go girl!!!! That week off won't set you back at're doing a good thing ok? Follow Dr's order ok??

Have a wonderful Friday!

Tcathey said...

Awww... Sorry to hear about your back!! But...

I won't give a yee haw, but WOOHOO!!! :-) lol...

Natalie said...

What a bummer about your back. I hope you're back to good soon! But Yee Haw for the 2 pound loss. ;)

Christie O. said...

Oh noooo! That stinks about your back! But awesome on your loss this week! I hope you get back to normal soon! So sorry you're dealing with that!!

Julie said...

Your scale is very kind. You must've gotten some good exercise in before you hurt your back. That's a bummer that you hurt your back! Take care of it so you can get back to exercising! Good luck

Becky said...

Ouchies... get some rest and get well soon! Maybe id=f you switched from a treadmill (high impact) to an elliptical machine (low impact) it wouldn't effect your back so much. Great job on the loss of two more pounds! And cereal is a great snack as long as it isn't coco sugar bombs ;-)

Honey Mommy said...

Yee haw!

Hope your back gets better so you can enjoy those exercise endorphins again!

Alana said...

Hello there...had to stop by and say "hello". Thanks for your comment on my blog! Fran is a gem, isn't she?

I've been on a weight loss journey as well and have been running as well. So sorry you are out of commission for awhile...hope you are on the mend soon. Great job on the weight loss. By the way...where are you from in Missouri...that is where I live!