Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Farmboy!!!

My Love,

Happy Birthday! And, don't worry, I won't go telling everyone that it's your birthday. This is just between me and you. Promise!

Baby, you are the love of my life. You are my best friend, my partner, my hero and my champion. You are the one I would rather be with than anyone else in the world. You are my heart's desire.

This life with you is a prayer come true. When God brought us together, He Blessed me beyond my wildest imaginings. No one's love can compare to His, but your is a close second. He is the center of us and that is the way it should be, the way it will always be.

When we stood in front of our friends and family and said our vows, I could not have imagined how much more I would mean those words five years later. I promised to love, honor and cherish you. I also promised to OBEY you. My non-churchy friends thought I was nuts, and a few of my churchy friends questioned the choice as well. But I knew that it was a safe promise to make. I would never have married someone that I could not have made that commitment to. I know that your heart follows after God and you live that with your life, so I KNEW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that following your lead in life would only lead me closer to Him.

Remember in "Princess Bride" when it says that Wesley would always answer Buttercup's requests with "As you wish"? And then the narrator says "One day, Butter cup was amazed to realize that when Wesley was saying 'As you wish', what he was really saying was 'I love you'. Even more amazing was the day she realized that she loved him back." Well, that was us, you were always doing little things for me to tell me how you felt, and I was clueless. Until one day (with a little help from Paula), I realized that you loved me. And then one day (after the shock wore off and, again, with a little help from Paula), I realized that I loved you right back. And that love has not stopped growing since. So, when you asked for my heart, what else could I say but "as you wish"? You left my heart with no choice.

So, happy Birthday my Farmboy. Spending these years with you is my best gift in life. Watching you be Dad and hero to the boys and Daddy to the girls makes me love you even more than I already do. I love you more each passing day - more each moment. You are the only man in the world for me.

Forever and Ever.

Infinity and beyond.

No tag backs.

I WIN!!!!!!

Thank you for making ME feel like a Princess Bride on that day and every day since!

Happy Birthday my love!

6 of ya left some love:

Rebekah said...

LOVE that! I didn't think anyone could possibly love her man more than me...I think I just met my match! Hope his bday was special :)

Aron and Erica said...

Okay...these birthday posts are just too much, sista! You make me weep!

Happy Birthday, Steve!

Becky said...

That is so incredibly sweet and beautiful. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has found a Mr. Perfect For Me In Every Way Imaginable. :-)

Happy birthday Mr. Beckyjomama!

Honey Mommy said...

That is so sweet!
I love the Princess Bride. I could probably quote the whole movie to you!

Anonymous said...

Aahhhwwww! That was so sweet...gave me goosebumps reading it. I love "LOVE"...being in it and watching others express it and unabashedly share it...Thanks for sharing.

The B's said...

It makes me so happy that you are so happy. You went through a lot to get to this point. You waited a long time for your soul mate and I am so glad that you found him and SO GLAD you did not give up and settle. I got lucky and found mine early. Some of our family had to try more than once to find THE ONE but for the most part we are all pretty happy. I think the most important thing in life is to find someone you can share it with. First comes the partner and then come the wonderful additions that make us better because we really learn what unselfishness is all about.