Friday, November 1, 2013

Can I DO This?

OK ... it's been seven and a half months ... I wonder if I still remember how to do this "blogging" thing... We will see, shall we?  Hmmmmm

First of all, I guess we have some catching up to do. I'll just do a basic run down...

We became grandparents in July.  LOVE this little face right here!

And seeing her in the arms of my husband, I fell in love with him all over again...

MAN I love him!

This one is growing like a weed and amazes us every day with how much God is doing in her!

This one turned SIX in September and started 1st grade. Oh my heart ...

My camera has been busy taking pictures and I have been an editing fiend - especially this fall. I've got to take pictures of old friends ...

And got to meet some new friends too!

(seriously ... how STUNNING is this couple - and so sweet)

And, there is one other little thing I've been working on ... more on that later.

Hey - gotta leave something to blog about later. I mean, come on, THIRTY DAYS!!!!  That's a lot of space to fill...

See ya tomorrow!

1 of ya left some love:

Anonymous said...

yay! welcome back to the blogging world. i've missed ya my friend!