Sunday, December 20, 2009

Project 365 - Weeks 49 - 51

Project 365

Allrighty - this is the last week f the year.

Ahem ... did ya hear me?

THE LAST WEEK OF THE STINKIN' YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(yes, that was me yelling ... because, HELLO! This is the last week of the year!!)

OK, deep breaths ... we can do this.

I would like to thank Sara for hosting this shin-dig all year - it has been a BLAST!

And, without further ado, here we go:
(By the way, this is three weeks worth, so ya may wanna go grab a snack ... or, ya know, a lunch!)

Sunday - We decorated the tree - this sweet angel and I have been through quite a bit together!

Monday - Hubs started on the outdoor decor. He built this stable for our lawn Nativity a few years ago and it is one of my very favorite parts of getting ready for Christmas!

Tuesday - This is one of the Angels that stand over Sweet Baby Jesus in our yard.

Wednesday - Yes, they are on backward and, yes, it IS on purpose. If they're on the correct way, she can strip em of faster than anything!

Thursday - Angels made from hand and foot prints!

Friday - This would be Mary & Joseph ... I am pretty sure that Joseph had hair, but the cat ran off with ours, so we have a bald one!

Saturday - If you know me well, you know I am a sucker for pink ribbons. Sophie found a piece of ribbon and played with it for HOURS. When I put her down for nap I came out to the living room and found this on the couch. LOVE.IT.

Sunday - Setting tables for the Women's Christmas Banquet at church.

Monday - Sweet Teri came to the dinner - have I mentioned that I LOVE me some Teri? Cause, yeah, I do!

Tues - Hattie LOVED making the sheep for our craft nativity.

Wed - Potty Training Boot Camp, day 1.

Thursday - Sophie snagged my root beer. Good thing it's decaf!

Friday - Zoe gets the diapers cause we are DONE with them!

Saturday - Pretty sunset ... not as pretty as the sunsets in AZ, but it'll do!

Sunday - Still in bootcamp...

Monday - Christmas cards are beginning to roll in. I LOVE Christmas cards!

Tuesday - Cookie decorating at her BFF Evy's house!

Wednesday - Look at that slim little hiney! Now that the diapers are gone, it actually fits into these jeans!!

Thursday - Baking a cake for the class party!

Friday - Santa came to said class party ... and, no, I actually do NOT know what is with the tongue. Thanks for asking!

Saturday - Movie time on Saturday morning in Mommy and Daddy's bed.

That last one was taken with my cell phone ... even though we were obviously at home ... cause my camera, with it's BRAND NEW BATTERIES, would not turn on.

And, I cannot tell you how sad this makes me...

So, how was YOUR week?

6 of ya left some love:

riTa Koch said...

Love the angels and the manger.
Bald Joe, lol.
Santa, does he have a face? :)
Great PJ idea ;)
Congrats to the diaper grad!
One more week to go and then a whole new year of 52 weeks. Yeah! Are you going to join us?

Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

Beautiful yard decorations. Glorious! We’ve never done outside ornaments, but you make me want to -- but in Minnesota they’d most likely be drifted over and then what’s the point, ya know?!

Pj’: Ours wear theirs backwards too. LOL!!! Lol…

You’ve got some great craft ideas here for me! Thanks…

Zoe with the diaper needs to be a profile picture or somethin’ ThatIsHilarious!

My youngest was in diapers until the day of his FIFTH birthday – somehow it was a right of passage for him and he had assigned AGE 5 to it. He literally went through the house and disposed of all the diapers and pull ups and swimmer pants and announced he was “big now!” And he was serious. [Thank you, Lord!]


Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Thanks for sharing all the fun and beautiful photos! It is obvious that your 365 day challenge was more of a challenge for your camera than it was for you! Hoping Santa brings you a new one. Merry Christmas and Happy New Gear!

Pat said...

Becky Jo,
You AMAZE me!!!!
I pray that your 2010 overflows with fun photo opps and God's pure peace!!
Merry Christmas,

Anonymous said...

I love looking at your daily snapshots into your heart and life. I always look forward to this post of yours. Love the ribbon photo (way cool). The crafts you've been doing with the girls look so fun and they will remember these times together spent with mommy. Way to go Sophie...boot camp is over! You did it!

Angela Baylis said...

I have missed your blog, Becky Jo! I love all of your pictures, especially the one of you and Teri! I'm glad God blessed you with her for a friend! I also love seeing pcitures of kids with their mouths completely covering the top of a pop bottle... and their artwork!
Angie xoxo