Monday, November 30, 2009

The Face of Christmas

Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year. I love the magic and the meaning in all that we do to celebrate.

For me, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ ... my Savior

But, there are many faces to Christmas.

Some come with a beard

Some come riding horses that rock

Faces made of snow

Some bring Glad Tidings ...

... For all people

Some bring stories that have been passed down through generations, faces hand made by those who have come before us

Yes, there are many faces of Christmas ...

... But, really, it all comes down to One, Holy and Perfect face ...

The Face of God

5 of ya left some love:

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Great pics! I love the outdoor photos! Just love Christmas decorations and how they fill the home with such warmth.

Anonymous said...

the face i look forward to looking into one day...can only imagine.

Rebecca Jo said...

Very well said...

I just saw your new header... LOVE IT!!!

Kelly said...

Yeah for decorations. Love them. Great angle shot of the angel outside. Have a great season.

Aron and Erica said...

beautiful post! so creative & so meaningful. I love your Christmas header...also loved the Christmas Card!

love you & yours!