It is time once again for Friday Photo Challenge...
And, once again, I am posting it on Thursday...
Only, this time, I am kickin' the procrastination level up a few notches ...
Cause I am posting it THREE Thursdays later.
Yeah ... THAT is just how I roll!
(But, it's OK, cause Melissa hasn't done this challenge yet either! Maybe that is why we are such good friends!)
Anyhoo, here is the challenge: It's all about getting close. Pick a subject and take a shot of it from where you would normally stand.
And gradually move closer, shooting as you go ...
And closer ...
Then maybe try a few setting changes.
(all I did here was turn the flash on and off ... didn't make THAT much difference)
Then, maybe try a different angle.
OK, in full disclosure, I ran out of time to edit these, so they are pretty much SOC (straight out of camera). Also, I did not take the time to dust before I took these - and don't pretend you didn't notice!. BUT, I kinda like the way they came out.
Now, why don't YOU try it ... then head on over to Melissa's page and link up!
C'mon ... ya know you want to!
3 of ya left some love:
That's really cool! It shows how just a little perspective change can affect a picture. Love it!
I promise I didn't notice the dust. :) That is cool. I will see if I can try it.
I REALLY did not see dust! Great photos and interesting angles. Love what you did with these!
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