Hattie and I have t-shirts that say "I didn't ask to be a princess, but if the tiara fits ...". She has long since outgrown hers and mine has become less than presentable, but I have always loved them. Truth be told, I used to spend many hours hoping that my little tomboy would someday embrace her inner princess.
For oh, so long, it seemed that she would much rather be in a mud pit than a dress. When Sophie came along I thought maybe I FINALLY had a girlie girl. I don't think the child has gone one single day of her life without some form of pink on her person. And she has always seemed to enjoyed dresses - which does my heart good :)
And then, about a year ago, a miracle of sorts began to happen in Hattie. When I put a dress on her, she didn't fight it. And, if by chance, the dress were to twirl, she may have even enjoyed it. And one day, on her own, she brought me a dress up outfit and asked to wear it. I was over the moon. Even though it didn't last ...
But last week Sophie asked to wear one of the gowns. So, after dressing her in royal finery, I reached to the deep dark recesses of the video cabinet and pulled out the Disney Princess Sing Along DVD (the one that we got a total of 5 minutes into, before Hattie asked for Diego, the one time it had ever been out of it's case). This time we got about 1.5 minute into it before Hattie asked ... for a princess dress.
And I have had to FIGHT to get them out of the dresses ever since. Hattie knows that she cannot wear the dress to school or church, but that has not stopped her from wearing it everywhere else, including COSTCO and therapy - they BOTH wore them to therapy!!!! Much to the enjoyment of the nursing staff in the therapists office!
So, on Monday, when sweet Belle came to play, I had 3 princesses on my hands. While Sophie was napping I dressed the two bigger girls up and put on the sing along. Well, when Princess Sophie woke up and found Princess Belle in her gown there was much distress! But Prince Charming (AKA Daddy) quickly found a new gown - in the form of an old Easter dress of Hattie's - for his girl. And, once all girls were dressed and ready to dance, all was right with the world...

Princess Hattie, in a moment of serious reflection...

Princess Sophie cheesing it up for the camera...

Princess Belle - a little blurry, but how classic is the pose ... and the SHOES?!?!?!

Two sweet girls at the ball!
So, now that I have the princessy girls I have always wanted, I just have one dillema ... We have only one princess movie (Cinderella) and the sing along DVD. Can I just tell ya that they are BOTH getting a little old!!!
So, since all the good ones are now in the Disney vault (AKA the doom of all mothers everywhere!!!!), I am on a desperate hunt for some good (and by good, I mean AFFORDABLE)Princess DVD's...
C'mon y'all, help a mama out!!!