Well, this is Mother's Day weekend. And, seeing as how my Mom's gift (along with her Birthday gift - from FEBRUARY!!!) is still sitting on my kitchen counter, I will use this blog and this forum to make her smile. I hope.
SO, because this is my blog and I CAN, I am gonna do two songs this week. One serious and one fun.
This songs speaks to me as both a daughter and a mommy. I see my mom in these words - not into the "temporary trappings" that this world has to offer, but setting her sights on something bigger. Something real! She knows where her real treasures lie - and taught us, with great abandon, where we would find ours. My mom is a GREAT woman, she is successful in business and very revered in her community. To know her is to have a vast amount of respect for her. Many people could - and do - sing her accolades on a regular basis. She is secure in her accomplishments, but rests more assuredly in the fact that she is a child of God. She lives her life to hear the words "well done" from the One who really matters.
I hope and pray that my children see this in me. That I can leave them the kind of legacy that has been left for me. Please Father, let them see You through me and let them see through my life where and how to live for YOU.
Here is Legacy, by Nichole Nordeman:
Now for the fun:
When my mom was dating my daddy, she told him that he had nothing to worry about, unless Eddy Arnold ever came to the door. In which case she would be GONE!
She loved her some Eddy Arnold and effectively instilled that love in me. I remember many hours sitting around - or driving, cleaning, whatever - to his music. We even went to one of his concerts together.
Well, Mr. Arnold passed away this week. It was abitter sweet passing - his wife of 66 years had passed in March and, it is said, that he died of a broken heart. His devotion to his Sally, and the way he lived his life with such dignity is one of the many reasons my mom admired him so. I met him a few years ago and told him the story of what my mom had said to my dad. He laughed and told me to tell my dad he had nothing to fear - he was completely in love with his wife. Such a gentleman.
So, in keeping with the important things this life has to offer, here is Mr Eddy Arnold singing about what "rich" really means.
Stop by Signs, Miracle and Wonders for more songs that speak.