It is Saturday, and that means it is time for my favorite meme!!! Then Sings My Soul Saturday, sponsored by Amy over at Signs, Miracles and Wonders.
This one is special to me, on many different levels. Today is the anniversary of the day I married the most amazing man on the planet. I have been so Blessed to be his wife - he is truly a gift from Heaven. He is my very best friend, my greatest supporter, the love of my life and the best husband I could have ever asked for. I am truly honored to be his wife and to spend my life with him is simply wonderful.

This is the song we chose to have our buddy Alice sing while we lit our unity candle. We did the candle thing a bit differently. We lit a 3 wick candle, signifying that not only were we united with each other, but also with the Lord. HE is the center of our home, our marriage, our family and our love for each other. We chose this song because not only were we committing to go forward together, but to also go forward, as a couple, with God. Because, without HIM in us, we are a lie. To ourselves and to each other. We only know how to love because He first loved us. And we have chosen to keep our love sacred and pure - only for each other - through HIS love for us.
I don't wanna go somewhere, if I know that You're not there, 'cause I know that me without you is a lie...
Me with out my man - a lie...
Me without my Jesus - a bigger lie ...
US without our Jesus - the biggest lie of all.

I love you Honey, more every moment. You are everything I could have asked for and more. I can't wait to see what each and every tomorrow holds. As long as I have you by my side and we are following the Lord, we can do anything. Thank you for the best 5 years of my life. Thank you for my children, my home and the life you have given me.
Lord, thank You for my man, for his heart that is pure and for the love you show me through him. Thank you for making us whole and bringing us together. Let us glorify YOU through all that you give us.