Well, it is that time again - Sara over at Make
Music From Your Heart To The Lord is hosting Project 365. A fun little diddy in which ya take a picture a day for an entire year and then post them up each week for the world to see ... or ya know, for my mom and the 2 of you who read this, to see!
So, here is the week in B Manor...
Jan. 4 - I had a date with my Teri ... she just got this hat. And she is ROCKIN' it! Kinda gangsta don't ya think?!

Jan. 5 - Miss Belle spent the day with us. As we were taking her back to her daddy, I looked in the back seat and witnessed this sweet moment between these two little buddies! Awwww!

Jan. 6 - I forgot to take a pic on Tues., but when I realized the oversight I took this pic. Because the reason I don't have a pic is because THIS is what I was doing all day - driving, texting and phone calling ... and not the fun kind either!
But, ya know, it is all OK, because I had my girlies with me for the fun!!!! (And, I DID NOT text while driving ... I promise!)

Jan. 7 - This is my brother Jimmy's birthday. If I had had the pleasure of seeing him on this fine day, I am sure I would have a lovely pic of him making some weird, goody or flat out rude face at the camera ...
Instead, you get me ... cause I am FINALLY figuring out how to get my hair to do it's THANG!!!

Jan. 8 - Forgot to take a pic again - did I mention that Tues. and Thurs. are my crazy days?! I did, however, remember before the day was completely over ... FIVE MINUTES before it was over!!! (Please excuse the blurriness ... I didn't want to flash and wake up the man!!)

Jan. 9 - Sophie (or "Baby" as she calls herself!!!) woke up sick. So, seeing as how she did not want to be more than 2.5 feet away form my side ALL DAY LONG, this was my view ... ALL DAY LONG!!! We even took a nap in this position in the afternoon.
Umm, did I say "We" ... oh yeah, it was HEAVEN!!! Except for the sick baby part ...

Jan. 10 - I actually mad a fully self prepared home cooked meal ... Shepherds Pie.
And my Hubby, he LOVED it!
And I Love making that man happy!
So, we will just ignore the fact that Hattie sat and looked at it staring up at her from her little plate refusing to even try it.
Because that, my friends, is my life ... and I LOVE IT!!!
So, how was YOUR week?!