OK, I missed last week, so I have two weeks worth of fun for ya today! But, before I get started, I just wanted to thank all of you who have been praying for my friend Joanne. She is doing great - more and more alert each day! As of yesterday, she has moved to a center where she will recieve intensive therapies to regain motion and motor skills. Please continue to pray for this, as well as for her family. Thanks so much!!!
So, now let's get started ...

Monday: My poor Hattie came down with the flu that Sophie had had the week before. Sophie had it for about 36 hours and vomited once. Hattie was a little worse off. She missed the entire week of school and did not keep ANYTHING down from Monday to Thursday.

Tuesday: If we have apples in the house, this is what I find in random locations through the kitchen & family areas. Sophie LOVES apples!

Wednesday: Three houses ago, we had a game room. It was decorated in Americana motif and this pillow sat on a small couch. When we moved from that house it was packed away and I had not seen it since. For some reason, it suddenly showed up about the same time as Joanne's stroke. Since that day I have found myself kneeling and/or face down on the floor in prayer more than I ever have before. And this pillow has become my official prayer pillow. Thankfully, I have also had many reasons to use it for PRAISE too.

Thursday: This was the day that the bug hit me. Hubby stayed home from work and helped with the kids and I spent the day in bed. Sophie broke one of my favorite necklaces and, lucky for her, I was to sick to care.

Friday: Hubby had tried to do some cleaning while I was sick and found some scent beads. He thought he was replenishing what was already in this warmer, but A: he put in too many and it over flowed. And, B: he ended up mixing two different kinds of beads.
And, I LOVE him soooo much for trying, but pumpkin spice and pink lemon aide are NOT a good combo...

Saturday - I woke up to this BEAUTIFUL sunrise and just knew that God was up to something big.
A few hours later, as I walked the aisles of Target, looking for a laundry basket, I got the call that Joanne was opening her eyes. And, right there in the home goods section, I fell on my knees in praise and cried.
PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday: Behold ... the laundry basket! I will never look at laundry the same way!

Monday: This is where Alexis has the most fun when she is here. She can get that ball FLYING too!

Tuesday: This is a TERRIBLE picture, she had just woke up and did NOT want her picture taken. But I had to, because this was the morning of the Epic Battle Of The Bedheads!!! It was between Sophie ...

... and Eli.
And, believe me when I say, NEITHER of these pictures do either bedhead justice.

Wednesday: Hattie lost another tooth!! And, I am sorry, but is this not the CUTEST toothless face you have ever seen? Oh, my heart...

Thursday: More and more was happening with Joanne and I was REALLY missing all of my Siestas. So, I pulled out the water bottle that I bought last April when we all went to Atlanta for So Long Insecurity. Somehow, it made me feel a bit closer to them all.

Friday: Eli took about 5 steps right before I took this picture. I wanted to capture him walking, but he was NOT in the mood to perform.
I HEART this boy!!!

Saturday: We got a few inches of snow overnight - FINALLY enough to make a good snowman ... or, in this case, a snowchick! Is she not adorable?!
Thank you
Sara for hosting us!
Have a GREAT week!!