OK, I am gonna warn you right now ... this is not the most exciting week we have ever had. I woke up Wed. with a serious case of the flu. And it all went downhill from there. I feel accomplished that I have any pictures here at all.
But, exciting or not, you will at least have some super cute girls to look at!!
Thank you
Sara for hosting us every week! You rock!
And, here we go ....

Sunday - I was going through some drawers and found a bag of long forgotten head bands from when the girls were too small to rip them off of their heads. Once they figured that one out, I was done for. Sophie tried it on and LOVED the way she looked in it so kept it on for the rest of the day. I think we have found a great look for her!!!

Monday - Ummm, it doesn't work quite as well for Hattie. But that's OK, she is still beautiful!
And, yes, these are two separate days. I promise!

Tuesday - Playing peek-a-boo around the fish tank. I would give a million dollars for a video of this, the laughter and sounds of pure joy coming from these sweet things was PRECIOUS!

Wednesday - This was my view for the day - I was so very thankful for my trusty Holly Hobby blanket ... and, yes, it is mine, not one of the girls! And, I must admit that this is a cheater pic - I was WAAAAYYY too sick to do any picture taking on the actual day! It was actually taken the next day.

Thursday - Hubby helped with the laundry while I was out of commission - Bless him - and left this for me. All folded nice and neat.
Thanks Honey!

Friday - Got a little somethin in the mail. I have been waiting a lllllooooonnnnggg time for this one. Pretty sure my PBFF Beth Moore wrote this one just for me!

Saturday - The first time I could find enough energy to attempt the laundry room. This is just the tip of the iceberg. And it might just wait til tomorrow...
So that is a look at our week!
How was YOURS?