I am a nickname junkie - Just about everyone I know has one. My parents are "Homer and Marge" (oh yeah, they love it!!!), Hubbs is "Farmboy", "Honey Bear" or "Do", Hattie is "Boo", "Belly", "Puddin' Pop" or "Girlie", depending on the mood! And Sophie has a few too - "Bug", "Soapy" or, at times, "Bubba Gump" - gotta love Forest Gump!!!
But today, it seems, Miss Sophie gave herself a nick name.
Now, to set the scene, Sophie's vocabulary is growing daily. Her first word, however, was Dada. She LOVES her daddy. And, once she said that one, Hubbs and I both began a quest to get her to say Mama. She did ... and then she stopped. And proceeded to start calling ME Dada too. And then giggle. She thinks she is oh so funny!
So we regularly go through every one in the house and their names. Point at Hubbs - "Dada", point at Hattie - "Hada" (that is what Soph calls her), Point at Sophie - "Sophie", Point at me - "Mama"! She goes through it all and ends with me and says "DADA!" and laughs her little head off.
Today was a little different though. We never even made it to Mama, because every time we got to Sophie she would shake her little head and point at herself and say "Baby".
Every. Single. Time!!!
Which got me thinking about this: Every. Single. Time.
And then I read about our little friend Belle's day HERE. And seeing that little pic of her in the corner makes me wanna watch the movie just so I can see the last scene and hear Patrick Swayze say ...
"Nobody puts Baby in the corner!"
Yeah, I am a sad, strange girl.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A New Name
by beckyjomama 6 of ya left some love
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Project 365 - A Little ShakeUp
For the last several months I have done a little thing called "Picture Perfect Monday". It was a weekly glance - through pictures - into our lives. And I have loved it ... almost as much as my mommy has. (HI MOMMY!!!)
However, I am now gonna shake it up a bit. Ya see Sara, over at Make Music From Your Heart To The Lord, has started a project. And, y'all, it is such a cool idea, I could not resist getting involved. She has even started a whole new blog - A Year In My Life - to celebrate!!!
So, without further adieu ...
Welcome To Project 365!!!
Here is the plan: You take one picture for each day of the year (now, you can take more than one, but you have to choose just one as your official shot of the day!), and then each Sunday, you post your week in pics. I am soooooooo excited for this I cannot even tell ya!
And, here is our first week!!!
January 1: Now, truth be told, I did not learn of this little diddy until Jan. 2ND, so ... well, I cheated a little. This is actually from the last week of Dec. However, since Hattie has had this costume on every single day since, I guess it'll work!
Now, to some of you, this may seem like a little girl celebrating Halloween a little late. BUT, to me this is a miracle. I have tried for 3 years to get this child into a costume. THIS costume in particular. But, she has been afraid of it. And when I say "afraid", I mean running in fear, screaming at the top of her lungs and hiding and crying for a very long time.
So, yeah, the fact that she wore it - miracle. The fact that she wears it every day - annoying, but a miracle none the less!
For those of you who may be new here - Hattie has some "issues" and sitting for any length of time on a structured activity is sooooo not her thing. But she loved it, and has continuously gone back to the game several times a day!
This would be ANOTHER miracle for our girl! Have I mentioned that I LOVE THIS KID!!!
Here is a closer shot of it ... what do ya think?
And there ya have it - the first week of 2009 here in B manor. And, amazingly, there are no pics of Miss Sophie in here. That is because she is cutting some teeth - molars - and is not her happy-go-lucky self.
And, trust me, you do not want to see her like that!
She is making a comeback though, so come back next week for more!
by beckyjomama 8 of ya left some love