Last week I told you about the "fo shizzle" conversation with Sophie - lol, it still makes me giggle!
Today I would like to tell you about a couple more fun things they say ...
Yesterday Soph was not feeling very well and, well, she was a bit gassy. I kept thinking she had a dirty diaper only to check and find nothing. At one point I made the mistake of using the word "fart". She thought it was HILARIOUS and decided it should be the word of the day and proceeded to say it over and over and over.
There was just one problem with this little development ... coming from HER little mouth ... well ... let's just say, it somehow rhymed with duck.
Yeah ... not good.
We shall henceforth, be using the word "toot" when discussing flatulence.
I'm sure you understand.
Then today the girls and I were watching The Little Mermaid.
Can I just tell you that I LOVE the music in that one.
I am talking puffy pink hearts!
So, of COURSE I was singing along.
Until Hattie scooted over to my side, sweetly cuddled up next to me, put one gentle hand on my cheek and plopped the other one over my mouth. She looked me dead in the eyes and said "No Mommy. Stop ... that's not pretty".
And to think ... I have spent the last 3 and a half years praying for this child to find her voice.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
by beckyjomama 4 of ya left some love
Monday, November 2, 2009
Five Years Of You

by beckyjomama 3 of ya left some love
Sunday, November 1, 2009
They Came, They Saw, They Collected Some Candy
We had big plans for Halloween ... plans that included a LOT of relaxing and taking it very easy. However, starting with the tub that would not hold water AT ALL and then moving on to the leak under the kitchen sink ... let's just say the house had other plans!
By the time we were done with all of that (or, should I say, HUBBY was done with all of that), our time was seriously limited!
We had planned to go to my in-law's house for trick or treating (our street is NOT very conducive to such things) and a pizza party. But first we had pumpkins to carve!
Now, my man is a jack-o-lantern GENIUS! He can carve a seriously good pumpkin. We actually have a BOOK of stencils ... a book that could NOT be found this year.
So I did what any good wife would do.
I googled it!
Sadly, short of giving out info I was not willing to part with or money I was even LESS willing to part with, the choices were severely limited!!!
We did find this guy though ...
And, ya know, it's the GREAT PUMPKIN!!!
Which is good since it's the ONLY one we had time to carve!
And that is OK, because we had more important things to think about ...
We had one very sweet puppy to groom

And one ultra cute mouse to primp

And even though they REFUSED to pose politely ...

... and the camera refused to cooperate so that I could get something - ANYTHING - better to show you, we still had a blast.
They loved trick or treating.
They LOVED getting loved on by grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
They loved the good food at Grandma's house.
And they LOVED being the belles of the ball.
So, all in all, it was a very good Halloween ...
...even though we did not get even one single grape tootsie roll pop.
And that my friends, is just stinkin wrong!
by beckyjomama 1 of ya left some love