Here we are ... May ... How did THAT happen? And HOW is it that I am celebrating my 4TH Mother's Day? Growing up I wanted nothing more than to be a mom. And, in truth, it has far exceeded every last expectation that I had.
It is harder than I had ever imagined. It is scarier than I had dared to think. It is more sleepless nights, cold meals, dirty diapers, piles of laundry, dirty dishes, spilled milk, messes made and heirlooms broken that I ever thought could be.
And it is more prayers answered, hopes fulfilled, kisses goodnight, tummies tickled, I Love
You's whispered, bear hugs,
bathtime splashes, rocks to sleep and warm-sleepy-baby-
lotioned-tiny bodies in my arms than I deserve. I truly LOVE being a mom and I could not have asked for more than what I have been Blessed with in the two sweet beings that my Lord has entrusted unto me.
Thank You, Father, for this life I am so Blessed to call my own.
And, speaking of this life, here is the last week:

May 3 -
The one thing in this house that is sorely lacking is storage space. And the smallest of all closets is the one in the master bedroom. And that is why I have
commandeered the LARGEST closet in the house for my own. It just happens to be in Hattie's room. After the 347
th time of finding my clothes strewn about I BEGGED hubby to come up with a solution. We cannot drill into the door since we are renting, so, on short notice and in a moment of sheer genius, THIS is what my brilliant man came up with.
Thankfully, we had enough spoons for every closet in the house!

May 4 - Last week I had taken a cool picture of a guitar, so this week I set out to take one of the piano. I got some nice ones of JUST the piano and I have a
project in my mind to use it and the guitar shot.
But, THIS one of Miss Sophie ENJOYING the piano ... priceless!

May 5 -
Cinco de Mayo - every woman's excuse for
Mexican food. I was hoping for enchiladas, but the day got away from us. So, we settled for
taquitos from the freezer. And, gotta say, after a week and a half on a diet ... not too shabby!

May 6 - Sweet little Sophie's first time out. I heard cries from the bedroom and walked in to find Sophie on TOP of Hattie with a handful of blond hair in her little hand!
CLEARLY she is not a fan of timeout, but she stayed there until I let her up and we had a hug fest and then found, and made up with, Hattie too.
All's well that ends well ... and it's even better when there is photo op in the midst of the drama!

May 7 - A date with
Teri. We used up the last of the gift card from
Fran for our yummy caffeine laden goodness and then took this picture to show her our appreciation! WE LOVE YOU FRAN!!!

May 8 -
Hubbs and I had a date. We went to see a movie - and all who know me will be SHOCKED that
the movie we saw was Star Trek! I am
soooooooo NOT a Trekkie!!! But, once assured that there was no sign of William
Shatner at ALL, I sucked it up so my man could see the movie he had been waiting for!
Plus, we found it quite amusing that the Coke cup came with DIRECTIONS for filling!

May 9 - We went to sweet Evy's birthday party. The theme was fairies and her back yard was transformed into a forest. Evy's mommy is oh so creative!!! The favors were these fairy wings (
withOUT wires so they could be worn in the jumpy!), flower wands and lovely hair flowers! MY sweet fairy princesses LOVED theirs!

May 10 - Mother's Day. Thank you Hubby and Sweet girls for the BEAUTIFUL flowers and sweet, sweet cards!
I love you too!
So, how was YOUR week?