... two very sweet fairy princesses went in search of an enchanted forest.
Because, being the very lovely and WISE princesses that they are, Princess Sophie ...
...and Princess Hattie...

... knew that they would find wonders beyond their wildest dreams in that forest.

As well as tables set for royalty!

They knew they would find beauty there and that it would be decorated in royal finery fit for a very special party. A party designed by a very special mommy for her VERY special girl.

Because, you see, Sweet Princess Isabelle Rose...

... was turning THREE!!
And it was LOVELY indeed!!!
On top of princesses of all shapes and sizes, they also found one lovely caterpillar ...

... and one tiny, but oh so handsome, little Prince - His Royal Highness, Judah Paul!
Now, being the mommy that I am, I decided that, since my girls were all dressed up, I would try to get some pictures of them in their finery.
Hattie (in need of a haircut) was NOT cooperating and this was the best that I could get.

I swear, this kid knows when there is a camera present even if I am utilizing a zoom from across the room - or, ya know, FIELD!!!
Sophie, on the other hand, was a little easier to get. So, even though my camera was actin all wonkity wonk and refused to behave, I was able to get a couple of shots.