It has been a CRAZY week here in B Manor, so I have not been a very good blogger. Maybe these photos can help us get caught up a little...
March 23 - Sophie sittin' on the big chair. Belle was havin' a little chair envy (they both love to sit there!!), but she patiently waited her turn!
March 24 - Sunshine on our shoulders!!! Bug and I were enjoying the sun pouring through the window and, since I was having a good hair day (yes, the curling iron is now officially a part of my day!), we decided to capture the mommy/daughter moment. I may have to take this one to http://picnik.com/ and have some fun with it!!!

March 25 - Who new Hamburger Helper could be this much fun?!?!

March 26 - The pictures are slowly coming off the wall. On one hand, it feels like I am getting something done. On the other hand, the bare walls make the hall way look very lonely!

March 27 - We had made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies on Monday ... three guesses who got the last one...

March 26 - Painting day!!! We spent the day at the new house painting over the blue walls. We had to run an errand though when we realized that painting would work better with, ya know, rollers and pans!!! And, since we had some McBucks, we took a detour for lunch and ate on the run.
Plus, hello! How cute does Hattie look in the Gilligan hat?
So, that is our week - how was yours?
PS - I LOVE my kids ... can ya tell?