So, we are towards the end of February now ... that is crazy. My baby will turn 6 this coming week. Time is moving way too fast. Somebody stop the clock for me, will ya?
Yeah, that's what I thought ... Boo.
At least I have some of the hi lights on film though ... like these:

Feb. 14 - My Funny Valentines - Hubby took his (little) girls on a date for the big day. HE wants to be the one that teaches them how they are supposed to be treated on a date. And I am happy that they are learning from the very best.

And this little fella was MY date for the day. His mama and daddy had a date of their own and while his big sis, Miss Belle, hung out with the grandparents, I got to love on my sweet Judah Man! (thanks
Aron & Erica for sharing!!)

Feb. 15 - Like Her Sis - She wants to be big sooooo bad!

Feb. 16 - Ice, Ice Baby - On a play date at a friend's house, I thought it was SO cool how the ice melting form the sunny roof froze to the bush in the shade causing icicles.

Feb. 17 - Here Comes The ... - Yeah, that, my friends, is the sun. Bring it on!

Feb. 18 - When running warm water in which to thaw your frozen coffee creamer, one would be wise to NOT fall asleep and leave the water running. Thankfully, I "woke up" just in time!

Feb. 19 - Story Tellers - I could not pick just one pic from the worship concert at our church, so I made a collage. It.Was.AWESOME!

Feb. 20 - SONIC! - Hubby and I had a date scheduled. Hattie was not feeling quite herself and Soph had a nasty nose. (Soph has a nasty nose any time the weather changes!) So, Hubbs took us all on a family date night to Sonic. Can you guess which cup is mine. Yeah ... I like me some cherry limeaid.
Thank you,
Sara, for hosting. This is a blast every week!
So, how was YOUR week?