Wow - a brand new year. And one of my goals this year is to be more diligent in this effort (and to not lose any pictures!!). I LOVE my new fancy camera so it shouldn't be too hard *grin*!
But, since I waited til the last minute and we have to leave for church in under two hours ... here we go!
Monday - Playing with my new camera, I somehow managed to capture this shot. I am SURE it will never happen again, but I LOVE how her face is the ONLY thing in focus!
Tuesday - SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday - My girlies enjoying a princess movie in the VERY wee hours of the morning. Well, OK, it was like 7am. But, hello, this IS still Christmas vacation!!!
(Did anyone else just think of Chevy Chase right then? Christmas Vacation? No? OK ... carry on.)
Thursday - The last day of the old year ... and the ONE time sweet Hattie WILLINGLY posed for a picture! It was even her idea.
Seriously - how stinkin beautiful is this child? I mean, I know I'm a smidge biased, but COME ON!!!!!
January 1 - Packin' it up. Fresh clean house for a fresh new year!
January 2 - Two girls in a bucket ... watchin a little Elmo while mama finishes a tad more cleaning.
So that was OUR week. Sara is hosting us again and I cannot thank her enough. I absolutely LOVE this project and the memories it is making for my family.
Please, feel free to join us. After all, we are only 2 days in to this new year!!!