Once again I am behind in this project ...
Because once again I lost a whole slew of pictures.
Yeah ... it stinks ...
BUT, I think I have figured out the problem (some of the settings on my laptop were skewed and I hadn't realized it) and fixed it, so HOPEFULLY, it will not happen again.
In the mean time, here is what I have managed to save - and I THINK they are in order ... who knows.
Anyway, here is our life ...

Day 213 - Fall color ... one of the best things about living here in the frozen tundra!!

Day 214 - (This is a total cheat because I did NOT take this picture, but how cute is my girl?) Cassie's birthday party!

Day 215 - The Harvest Festival at church ... Sophie was a victim of the hay dump!
(I just realized I have a whole file of this day and I have not shared them with the blogosphere ... I will hopefully get to that this week!)

Day 216 - This is a picture of how far my girl has come in just the short time since she has been in school this year. She is doing a connect the dots picture ... BY HERSELF!
Praise YOU Lord for YOU are faithful!

Day 217 - Yes, my Lord is also an artist ... what a sunset. I LOVE the sun spike coming up in the middle of the picture.
Just like HIM coming up in the middle of my life to lend His beauty!

Day 218 - This is what I found when I went to get her up in the morning.
Did I mention that hers is the coldest room in the house?

Day 219 - More fall color ... right outside my bedroom window.
I am Blessed!

Day 220 - This is a terrible shot (camera refused to focus!!) but Sophie was showin off at Hattie's school by naming all of the numbers and letters.
Yeah, that's right, she just turned two!

Day 221 - There is a squirrel who has, one by one, slowly disintegrated every last pumpkin we bought for fall decor.

Day 222 - Halloween ... this picture depicts her sweet spirit so very well.

Day 223 - The girls have become lovers of story time lately. These are there favorite books - all of which Hattie can recite from memory. I LOVE that they are developing a love of literature!

Day 224 - This is just a random picture taken as I was trying to figure out what the bloomin heck is wrong with the camera NOW .. but, again, I ask - how stinkin cute is this kid?!

Day 225 - In one of the bags that the girls got from one of the fall carnivals they went to, there was this little pop-up monkey. You push him down and a suction cup holds him down until the spring eventually breaks the suction and he flies into the air. Sophie usually waits very patiently for him to fly ... this time she could just not resist one little touch.

Day 226 - Hubbs went to the grocery store and came home with these grapes ... I am fairly certain these are the same grapes that Joshua found in the promised land ...

Day 227 - I was called to pick Hattie up early from school. She had a fever of 101 that went up after she came home. Eventually we got it down, after which she promptly put herself to bed ... you can tell by the light in the room that it was still the middle of the day. Poor thing.

Day 228 - This is where I lost all senses and became a bread makin maniac. And, yes, they were yummy, if I do say so myself!

Day 229 - Hattie is still running a fever, but it was so beautiful outside we could not resist some fresh air. Here is daddy givin our girl a ride in the wheel barrow.
She LOVED it!!!
And, I think daddy did too!
If you would like to see more, please hop on over and visit
Sara!! That girl can take some good pics!
So, how was YOUR week?!?!