Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year. I love the magic and the meaning in all that we do to celebrate.
For me, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ ... my Savior
But, there are many faces to Christmas.
Some come with a beard
Some come riding horses that rock
Faces made of snow
Some bring Glad Tidings ...
... For all people
Some bring stories that have been passed down through generations, faces hand made by those who have come before us
Yes, there are many faces of Christmas ...
... But, really, it all comes down to One, Holy and Perfect face ...
The Face of God
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Face of Christmas
by beckyjomama 5 of ya left some love
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Project 365 - Weeks 47 and 48
Well, as usual, I am behind ... so, you get two weeks in one.
PS - I cannot NOT believe we are days away from December ... wow!
Here we go:

Nov. 15: Family picture day. Erica let me take a couple pics of the girls. Let me tell you how much fun it was to play with her camera.
I do believe I have camera envy...
Nov. 16: Hubbs got a haircut ... and man, oh man, is he handsome!!
Nov. 17: Sophie and I went to help my friend Kathy package some of her organic skin care products for a big show and some large orders. Little did I know that it would be the first of MANY visits over the next two weeks. But, really, her stuff is amazing and she was making some VERY fun stuff for Christmas!
Nov. 18 - Heavy jackets officially out of the closet and onto the breezeway/mudroom coat rack. Brrrrr....
Nov. 19 - My little princess enjoying Cinderella.
This is the same day, camera was acting up and this is all I could get of her dancing ... sort of a cool effect though.
Nov. 20: Yeah ... brrr...
But, pretty too, no?
Nov 21: Pajama day ... I LOVE pajama day!
Nov. 22: Bed time stories with Daddy. One of MANY reasons I love my man.
Nov. 23: Back at Kathy's house. Seriously, it was like the mess was growing...

Nov. 24: Soph and I met with Teri, Meeghan and Meeghan's kids for lunch. It was Meeghan's birthday and we had a blast! This is the only picture that came out well for me. Teri and Parker. How beautiful is she? And Mr. Parker is so handsome!!
Nov. 25: Finally, we were getting somewhere with the packaging ... I cannot say enough about her products, but you can check em out HERE if you want!!
Nov. 26: Thanksgiving ... and I forgot the camera ... By the time I remembered to take a pic, this is all that was left.
Nov. 27: Christmas tree hunting. Hubbs and I narrowed it down to two and then could not decide. So Hattie made the final decision. Look how proud of herself she was!
Nov. 28: Round One of Christmas cards ... and we are still getting some ready.
Good thing we trimmed the list this year :-)If you would like to see more - or join in on the fun!!! - head over to visit our sweet hostess, Sara!
So ... How was YOUR week?
by beckyjomama 3 of ya left some love
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