Friday nights used to be so ... fun. I used to go dancing, bar hopping, maybe a concert. I used to have fun.
But, then again, fun used to have a different definition....
Cause, "fun" used to mean something a LOT different than what it means now.
I used to think that dancing with friends - or even strangers - but not really connecting with anyone was a good time. We used to go looking for guys, like I thought romance was really going to be found there. I mean, I guess some people do... my brother met his wife in a bar and they are happily married with three beautiful girls and all worked out well, but, ya know, that is not exactly the norm. But we were SURE we were going to find love on those dance floors.
The problem is, I was so AFRAID of meeting people that I used to have to drink to actually GET on the dance floors. So, yeah, that was fun ... but not.
Looking back now, I wonder what WAS fun?
I did enjoy the dancing ... but not as much as I enjoy dancing now.
I enjoyed the concerts ... but not as much as I enjoy the sing alongs I get to do now.
I did NOT enjoy the drinking ... not as much as I do now anyway.
Cause, you see, now, on Friday nights I dance around the house with two little girls and sing along with Barbie or Princess movies or VBS DVD's or Veggie Tales and then we sit around drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows or cold milk with cookies to dunk. And, now, if I'm really lucky, when those two little girls are in bed, I might get to dance around the kitchen in bare feet with the love of my life. Or, maybe we will just collapse onto the couch, exhausted, and drink each other in.
Or, maybe, one kid will fall asleep on the couch watching Christmas movies with mom. The other, in her own little world, will be sitting on the other end of the couch playing with toys and making up her own stories and conversations. And, their daddy - my love - might be stretched out on the love seat with his feet hanging off one end, wrapped in a blanket, snoring like a chainsaw. And I might sit on the la-z-boy, editing pictures, checking emails, writing a blog post and counting my Blessings.
And, knowing with all of my heart, that THIS is where true happiness lies.
THIS is what real fun is.
So, if you need me on a Friday night, you can usually find me having a whole new kind of good time. Making memories that will last forever. And thanking the Lord that THIS is the life I lead.
So Blessed.