This has been a fun, crazy, wild and BUSY week. I cannot believe that we are at the end of February already. WOW! Plus, our sweet Hattie turned 6 this week. It all just adds up to mean that TIME IS FLYING BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, really ... it just needs to slow down already.
Here is just a glance at our craziness ...

Feb. 21 - The B.I.B.L.E. - We missed church because H was just not herself. No fever or anything, just kinda pale and lethargic. BUT, Sophie made sure to get her Bible Study time in.

Feb, 22- SNOW! - More snow. We welcomed the snow day though, it gave Hattie one extra day to get back to herself!

Feb. 23 - And The Winner Is - I won meet & greet passes to a concert that I already had tickets to. So, I got to hold a little concert on Facebook and give two tickets away. Sophie drew the winning names. It was SO fun to be able to Bless people in this way!

Feb. 24 - Happy Birthday - I took a TON of pictures this day - the day my baby turned six. But this one, with the flowers that her daddy brought home to her, took my heart away. LOVE her!

Feb. 25 - Casting Crowns - The concert was AWESOME! I have a ton more pics, but that will have to wait for another post.

Feb 26 - Bakin A Cake ... AGAIN - This was the SECOND time this particular section of Hattie's b-day cake went in the oven. Yes, it's in a flower pot and I seriously underestimated the baking time the first time. The second time around I didn't have enough batter to make it as big as I wanted it, but it was OK. Still turned out fairly well.

Feb. 27 - See? - It's pretty cute. There are a few things I would change. But Hattie LOVED her sand castle and that is all that matters to this mama!
Again, I have a ton of pictures but that will have to wait for another post too. (Looks like I'm gonna have to post this week!!)

Feb. 28 - Baby Love - I attended a baby shower for sweet friends Julie & Ben and their baby surprise (they do not know if they're having a boy or a girl). The girls did a great job decorating for it! So fun!
Well, that was our week - how was YOURS?
Thank you Sara for hosting us every week! You are wonderful!