We have had a busy week here in B manor ... Some good busy-ness and some not so good. It all started last Friday ...
Hattie had had a restless night and, although she had slept, I could tell she had not really slept well. I woke up around six when Hubbs was getting ready for work. She usually starts stirring around 6:30, but I didn't hear a sound up there - and it was the first time all night that I could tell she was deeply asleep. I decided to giver her until 7 and if she wasn't up yet, I would call her in absent for school. At about five minutes till I heard her getting sick. YUCK! So, I called her in and then put her in the shower and cleaned her up. No fever, and after about an hour she was acting fine. So I was thinking that the girl was already learnin' to play me!
She is gonna be a FUN teenager!!!
Since we had learned, the day before, that we did not get the house we had wanted, we decided it was time to start looking again. We had definitely decided that we want to stay in the school district and there just has not been a lot available in this area. SO, we made arrangements to look at 3 condos and a house on Saturday afternoon. However, by Saturday morning, all but the smallest condo had already been rented.
We did go look at that condo and kinda liked it. It was small, but very well laid out and had a basement. However, it was the middle unit (meaning we would share walls on BOTH sides) and only had two bedrooms (meaning the girls would share a room) and had the smallest kitchen I have EVER seen, so it was far from ideal. See, we have loud kids, and by loud, I mean L.O.U.D!!!!!! I do not think that I, in my pre-parent days, would have wanted to share a wall with us! Also, both girls have sleep issues, so sharing a room is not my preference. At ALL!!! But, we kinda feel like we need to know where we are gonna go - for a few reasons, one being our own peace of mind and another being we need to come up with an educational plan for Hattie, so we decided that we would do the condo - it's only a rental and only for a year or two...
Meanwhile, while we are at the condo, I look at Hattie and notice that she does NOT look good ... Yep, she was now running a fever. And she was GRUMPY! Beyond Grumpy! ARGH!!! So we go home and decide to camp out there for the weekend. However later that evening our agent (Cheri) call us about a house that she just learned about. We decide to look at it and after a few phone calls she has made arrangements to see it on Sunday. Since we can't take sick kids to church anyway ...
Oh, did you notice that I said kidS? Yeah, Sophie now has the faucet nose and is coughing ...
Annnndddd, the hits just keep on comin'!
So Sunday morning we have no fever and the nose is fine so we go to the house - all of us. We like the house a lot so we make a verbal agreement and decide to meet up on Fri. to sign paperwork and put down our deposit (the owner is out of town all week, so it ahs to wait til Fri.). Then we head home and by the time we get there, the fever, it has returned ... along with the nasty nose.
So, I kept Hattie home Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. and she FINALLY went back to school today. She probably could have gone yesterday, but was still not really eating and was the grumpiest kind of grumpy known to mankind, so I thought I should spare her teachers. This, however, meant that I had to miss Bible Study - and I HATE it when that happens. It also means that, by this point, if I have to watch one more episode of the Backyardigans, Wonderpets or Olivia the pig this week, I will throw MYSELF in front of a truck!!! Seriously, I am OK with these shows for the most part, but a girl can only take so much ...
So, for the sake of my entire family, today has been a self declared DIY Network day around these parts. I now know all ya need to know about fixing a drywall hole and or tiling a bathroom. I could totally get a job at Home Depot, if, ya know, there were any jobs to be had at Home Depot ... But I AM completely qualified, thanks to DIY!!!
And so, tonight, we will sign and pay deposits on the rental house and then the man and me are going on a DATE! And I am pretty stinkin' excited about that.
'Cause I sure do like that boy.
Oh, yes I do!!!!!