A few years ago Hattie got an adorable haircut. She sat so still and was so good for the hairdresser that we felt safe getting her a very short pageboy/bob. She wore it like that for a while and we loved it because it kept her from chewing on her hair. Also, because it just fit her so well.
Then about a year and a half ago we were at a shop getting a trim. They were running a special and had balloons and such to get people in the door. As Hattie sat for her cut a lady behind us was blowing up balloons ... can ya see where this is going?
As expected, one of them popped with a loud burst. Hattie whipped her head around to get a see what made the noise. Unfortunately, the girl was going for the bangs at that second and Hattie ended up getting stabbed just above the inside corner of her right eye. She screamed, jumped up and ran away and that was the last of our easy haircuts...
Until today.
Mrs. Sue very bravely agreed to take on the task.
Hattie knows and like Sue and so we figured it was worth a shot! I went first and prepared her for her turn coming up next. And, as amazing as it sounds, when her turn came, the girl could not get in that chair fast enough!
And she sat like a CHAMP the entire time!
So, of COURSE she got a reward ...

And, sucker that she is, Mrs. Sue let her!