So ... I missed last week. OK, the last two weeks. So this is gonna be long. Get comfy!!!
3 gifts per day. Every day for a year. 1,000 Gifts total. SO much to be thankful for. And, thankful to Ann Voskamp for reminding me to BE thankful. SO good!
Here we go...
1.16.13 - 3 Witnessed Blessings
46. In the morning rush, as two girls get ready for school, I finish Sophie's hair and rush Hattie along as I send Soph to make her bed. As I check the beds after doing Hattie's hair, I find Sophie in our room making the bed for me. SO sweet!!!
47. Hattie had birthday parties at school, complete with cupcakes topped by rings (Hattie prefers bracelets). I watch her pull the ring out and give it to Sophie because, "she has curly hair, just like you!" And then she brings another home for me - a pink haired super hero. "It looks like YOU mom!!"
48. He comes home from a long day at work, kisses his family, and lays down on the floor so that his own, as well as other people's kids, can climb all over him.
1.17.13 - A Gift Bringing Laughter, a Prayer, Quiet
49. Friends who know just the right thing to say to bring laughter just when I need it most.
50. Listening to bed time prayers as Sophie prays for the baby in Mindy's belly to get big and strong so "we can be Auntie Hattie and Auntie Sophie". Already so in love with that Peanut!
51. A morning to myself in a still, quiet house ... until I crank up the tunes!
1.18.13 - 3 Gifts From God's Word
52. Strength and Protection - Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe."
53. He is Big ... and small Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
54. Even as I am ... JUST as I am ... Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
1.19.13 - 3 Gifts That Might Never Have Been
55. Two girls whose mothers could have said no - it would have been easier - but they chose life instead. And in that choice made ME a mama.
56. A man who saw more.
57. A life saved from the pit of sin ... a life truly SAVED.
1.20.13 - 3 Gifts Only Seen Close Up *** Funny how this came up as we began to deal with the lice***
58. Thankful that this (lice) did not go further - hubby and I were not infected!
59. We can either cry or laugh ... so thankful for laughter!!!
60. We get through this together - a team!
1.21.13 - A Gift in Sky, Water, Memory
61. Fat daddy snow flakes that make two little girls squeal in delight.
62. Water that cleans ... refreshes ... and, when warmed, soothes muscles tight from bending over and digging through little heads looking for tiny bugs. (shudder)
63. A man whose love and support remind me why I fell in the first place.
1.22.13 - A Gift Wrinkled, Smoothed, Unfolded
64. Lines on his face that weren't there in the beginning - some from tears, worry and stress. But, I pray, more from laughter shared. These lines are in my mirror too. Life, done together. Blessed.
65. Braids unfolded and combed smooth at the end of the day - love these little heads.
66. Freshly cleaned (AGAIN) sheets, spread across the beds to enfold, comfort and warm us all to sleep.
1.23.13 - 3 Gifts Found In Christ
67. A new life - born again. Saved.
68. A new heart - I pray, more like His everyday.
69. A new family ... fRamily - friends who are more like family, family more like friends.
1.24.13 - 3 Things Blue
70. Trusting blue eyes that sparkle when she giggles. Especially when she gets one on one time with mom & dad - like when little sister falls asleep on the couch and she gets bed time stories to herself.
71. A blue (and green) robe - cushy, warm, familiar. Ugly as anything, but a trusted friend.
72. Blue shoes - runners - ready, willing and able to help me start (AGAIN) on the journey toward smaller blue jeans.
1.25.13 - A Grace Borrowed, Found, Inherited
73. A playlist borrowed from a friend, bringing sweet melody into my day as a testament to His faithful love. So True!!
74. A journal found in a long lost box. Prayers scribbled in desperation that now prove His faithfulness as I live in the results of the answers - some not how I would have chosen, but all for my good and ALL answered in the way that I NEEDED.
75. A rich inheritance, founded in love and faith, passed down and shared. So Blessed.
1.26.13 - A Gift Before Dawn, At Noon, After Dark
76. Girls that climb into bed giggling before dawn. A man that leaves me to slumber while he takes them down and makes breakfast.
77. I assume he is asleep somewhere after his early morning, instead I find him in a comfy chair, in a quiet corner, deep in the Word.
78. Snuggled up on the couch watching a Hallmark movie with a man who tolerates my girliness.
1.27.13 - 3 Gifts In The Kitchen
79. Quiet giggles shared with my girlies at the kitchen table while he takes HIS turn to sleep in before church.
80. Yummy smells as he bakes lemon bars. And then, when he knows I won't be able to partake, he surprises me with gluten free lemon substitutes!
81. In pajamas, around the dinner table, as we eat breakfast ... again. My favorite!
1.28.13 - 3 Graces Found In Friends
82. The ones holding me accountable to be in the Word.
83. The ones will always be good for a prayer on the other end of the line.
84. The one who comes home at the end of the day. My best friend.
1.29.13 - A Song Heard, A Soft Word, Light Seen
85. Listening to VBS songs while the girls play - thankful for these songs that show them who HE is.
86. A soft, mumbled I love you whispered as he tucks her in, then giggles as he plays an old familiar game. Then as he leaves that room, a "good night daddy!" from the other room. Followed by more giggles from HER.
87. Flashes of light seen from under her door as she, way too late at night, plays with her spy kit flashlight late into the night. And giggles hidden behind moans as I take it away and hide it in a drawer.
1.30.13 - 3 Old Things Seen Knew
88. A wall of faces whose stories become new when I tell them to their great ... great-great ... great-great-great (and so on) grandchildren and namesakes.
89. An old piano being played by fresh, new, baby hands.
90. An antique jar being filled with papers bearing new blessings - more each day.
1.31.13 - A Gift On Paper, In Person, In A Picture
91. A paper napkin, tucked into a pocket, because it bears a love note from her mama that was sent with her lunch to school.
92. Watching little Emma light up every time Sophie passes by.
93. Hattie's self portrait - with one pink braid trailing down.
2.1.13 - 3 Gifts Red
94. Red & White striped tootsie roll pops, left over from Christmas. My own secret treasure.
95. Red cheeks on a girl bounding off the school bus and skipping with joy to the baby who waits for her at the front door.
96. A girl in red pajamas, snuggled up to her big sister who reads her a bedtime story.
2.2.13 - 3 Gifts Found In Writing
97. A love note from him found tucked into a journal.
98. HIS love note - my Bible - treasured, worn, filled with notes, cards, insights & memories.
99. A book read aloud to me by my bright, funny, lovely girl as she learns to read.
2.3.13 - 3 Gifts Found In Writing
100. THESE gifts - blessed in writing them down.
101. Leaving prayer requests at church, knowing they will be bathed in prayer and lifted to the Throne.
102. Scratching the word "PAID" across a bill. So thankful for His provision.
So ... what are YOU thankful for?