Monday, July 6, 2009

Our Fabulous Fourth 'O Fun

Here is a little look at what the Fourth Of July means to me ...

A good old family picnic in the back yard!

Pool time with siblings and cousins.

Getting to look into Addison's baby blues!
Gettin a bucket of water dumped on your head by your big sis ...
...and posin for a pic for your camera obsessed mama!
Runnin in the vast openness that IS Uncle John's big back yard.
Grandma's lovin on the babies!
Older cousins teachin the baby cousins ...
... how to hold their own in a noodle war!!
Sharing the empties with your family.
Puppy breath and baby breath mingling into somethin wonderful!
Re-tellin all the old family stories.
Did I mention ... FOOD!!!!!
Sneakin MORE food from the folks that will let ya get away with it and not tell mom!
Bakin a cake, thinkin you're all Martha Stewart, only to find out that not only did your blueberries run ...
... but that cake has been done already!
And finally, praying and trying to get a good fireworks shot, only to have your old battered camera fizzle every last time!
And, really, who could ask for a better day than that?
Even without that last great shot ...

8 of ya left some love:

angie128 said...

Looks like a great time!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Love all the pics!!

But did you have food? HEHE!!!

That cake looks good! Even with blueberries running... YUMMM!

sara said...

nope, couldn't ask for better day! it looks like it was awesome!!!

Rachel said...

he he!! your post made me laugh and smile. Sure does look like a good time was had by all!

Lisa said...

Looks perfect, really. Love the picture of everyone set up in the backyard...crazy how fast a crowd is made!

Anonymous said...

Oh...lovin the pictures and the simple joys that captioned each one. Looks like a great day of family fun.

I made that cake once, but my blueberries weren't the only thing runnin...the cake totally got knocked over and it was lookin more like a purple mess than anything red, white and blue! Yours looks yummy...i would've eaten it! Good job martha!

Brenda said...

It was so fun chatting with you this evening on Mary's blog. :)

Wow, where do you live? Looks like a beautiful house on the water! I've made that yummy cake before. These are really cute pictures.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

What a great time!! :)