Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Her Sweet Face

So, Hattie is not a fan of having her picture taken. And by "not a fan" I mean she will do anything in her power to avoid it at all costs. That being said, we have long since given up on taking her to a portrait studio - it is just not money well spent. Instead, we have become experts in the sneaky, ninja-like approach, method of photography.

Last spring, we took a day off of school to our advantage and headed to the beach. I needed some pics of the girls for Father's Day gifts I was working on, and I figured the warm day and sunshine would be an excellent canvas.

This particular picture was taken from afar with a telephoto lens. Hattie loves three things - wind on her face, movement and mud. This is a picture of her enjoying all three - she was swinging (movement and wind) while splashing in a ginormous mud puddle beneath the swing. I could not recreate the pure joy and contentment on her face if I tried.

Can I just say that I love being this girl's mommy - it is a challenge at times and not at all what I expected, but she seriously ROCKS MY WORLD and I would not trade her for the world!

Be sure to stop by the I <3 Faces sight for more fun face pics!

8 of ya left some love:

Melinda said...

Wow! Great photo! Love the perspective from which it was taken and/or cropped.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

So glad you added this photo ~ it's absolutely lovely!

co-founder of I ♥ Faces

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

That is a pretty cool angle - she looks very contemplative! Nice photo.

Unknown said...

What a pretty, pretty picture of a precious face : ). I am glad that being her mom rocks your world! Delightful! The other Becky Jo : )

jen@odbt said...

What a sweet picture of your little girl.

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

I love the framing! So very cute!

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

Just gorgeous - great photo, Mom!

Anonymous said...

I remember that photo...it's a great one!