Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fahion Statements

This morning I decided to try a little experiment. I decided to see if Sophie, at nearly 3 years old, could do the dressing process by herself. I KNOW she can dress herself, but I mean the entire opening drawers, assembling an outfit and putting it on her person process. I knew I would quite possibly get an "interesting" ensemble, but decided that I would be brave enough to let her wear whatever she picked ... within reason. (I mean, come on, we DO have to hit the voting booth today, so...)

I listened as she headed up the stairs, heard drawers opening and closing and then it got quiet.

Too quiet.

A few moments later she came down the stairs in ...
... a fluffy pink tu-tu ...
... and nothing else ...
... at all.
(I may have to alter this one ever so slightly before we leave the house)

It's not easy being a diva ... or her mommy.

But I cannot imagine a better thing to be right now.

3 of ya left some love:

angie128 said...

Hilarious. Love it.

Kelli said...

slip on a pair of bike shorts and a solid color tank with some flip flops and she's good to go!

Anonymous said...

I agree with kelli- make it "work!"...We practice this daily in my house. It's all about compromise! Darling!