Monday, December 22, 2008

Picture Perfect Monday - Lookin' A Little Like Christmas

We have gotten a LOT of snow around here lately, and Hattie is lovin' it (sophie has a cold, so she has not been out in it yet, but she wants to...). We also got a chance to meet the Big Guy, Santa himself!!! Here is a look at the last couple of weekends here in B Manor...

Sophie is not quite sure what to think.

Hattie, on the other hand, is diggin' it!

She's also diggin' a little snow angel action (and so is Mommy)!!!

But, the snow kept coming and it got a little deep!

Thus, allowing for some sleddin' action!
Yeah, winter is a hit around here (except for the whole shoveling, scraping and digging out stuff!)
By the way, today is my Daddy's Birthday.
Thank you for loving me so well. You are the very best Daddy a girl could have. You didn't have to love us, but you chose to anyway. You are living proof that anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a Daddy.
I love you SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I hope that your day is as wonderful as you have made my life!

2 of ya left some love:

The B's said...

I love him too!

Anonymous said...

Fun! Great outdoor fun pics...Brayden has been itching to go out in the snow to try out a new sled he just received on Saturday- but it has just been too cold the past couple of days and it is torturing him!(I keep telling him we have to wait till the temperature is in the double digits again...or at least out of the teens :)

Love the pic of Hattie and Santa- she looks so happy. And the Mama-Daughter snow angels are precious...I still love making them too! Some things we never grow out of!